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Events / Historical reconstructions

The Children Military and Historical Festival "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"

30 may, 2015, Moscow region

"The Steadfast Tin Soldier" is the traditional gift of Borodino museum for children by the end of the school year.

The festival programme includes activities at several sites in the center of the field of Borodino, at the foot of Rayevsky Battery.

At first the children, together with a guide, get familiar with the museum displays, visit the monuments and memorial places related to two Patriotic wars where their ancestors were fighting against foreign invaders – in August 1812 and October 1941.

At recreated bivouacs children are introduced to marching army life and equipment of the time.

On the spot they may take their pictures in a soldier uniform, ride a horse, taste soldier porridge from the field kitchen, visit the toy fair.

"At two o'clock in the afternoon" the spectators come to Rayevsky Battery for dramatized performance "Through flying smoke". It is opened by the performance of Honour Cavalry Escort of the Presidential Regiment, then the event goes on with the reconstruction of the fighting activities by infantry, cavalry and artillery in the epoch of 1812 performed by military and history clubs, the presentation is completed by the performance of paratroopers.

Having visited several epochs, children and grown-ups may better understand the meaning of the field of Borodino as the only place in Russia that is the memorial place to two Patriotic wars.

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2:47:39 0 C (0 F)
Region: Moscow region
Venue: Mozhaysk municipal area, the village of Borodino, The State Borodino war and history museum-reserve
Phone: (49638) 6 32 26, (49638) 5 15 22